Cash and Counseling Consumers' Early Experiences in Florida Part II: Uses of Cash and Satisfaction at Nine Months

Cash and Counseling Consumers' Early Experiences in Florida Part II: Uses of Cash and Satisfaction at Nine Months

Published: Apr 29, 2002
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Evaluation of Three Cash and Counseling Programs

Time frame: 1996-2005

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

University of Maryland


Leslie Foster

Randall Brown

Barbara Phillips

Jennifer Schore

Describes the experiences of the first clients to participate in Florida's Cash and Counseling Demonstration, the Consumer-Directed Care program. Notes that most clients are children (47 percent) and nonelderly adults (36 percent). Almost all (99 percent) of those who received the program's monthly cash benefit were satisfied with their caregivers. Eighty-eight percent said the benefit improved their quality of life; however, a third reported needing more help with meal preparation or housework.

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