Cash and Counseling Consumers: Early Experiences in Arkansas

Cash and Counseling Consumers: Early Experiences in Arkansas

Published: Oct 30, 2000
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research

Associated Project

Evaluation of Three Cash and Counseling Programs

Time frame: 1996-2005

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

University of Maryland


Leslie Foster

Randall Brown

Barbara Phillips

Jennifer Schore

Finds that many in the early treatment group cohort were in relatively poor health and had high levels of functional impairment. Still, one-third lived alone, and one-quarter had no unpaid informal caregivers. Most used the monthly cash allowance to hire a caregiver on their own; the majority of paid caregivers were relatives, and most were highly satisfied with the care they received, although substantial proportions said they needed more help than they were receiving.

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