Case Management Models for Pre- and Post-Release Employment Services

Case Management Models for Pre- and Post-Release Employment Services

Issue Brief, Lessons from LEAP
Published: May 31, 2018
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project


Ivette Gutierrez

Key Findings

Key Findings:

  • Jail-based AJC staff were reported to drive the connection between jail-based and community-based services through the relationships they develop with participants while they are incarcerated.
  • Linking participants to community-based case managers before release, either through informational meetings or through workshops, could help smooth the transition to community-based support after release.
  • Regular channels of communication between jail-based and community-based staff could help community-based staff maintain the service plan established in the jail.
In 2015, 20 LEAP grantees established jail-based AJCs to offer employment-related services to incarcerated individuals and link them to further support immediately upon their release into the community. Case management is an important aspect of that linkage. In the LEAP sites, interactions with case managers played a role in shaping participants’ experiences with employment services in the jail and their engagement in the community. This brief explores the different models used to deliver case management through jail-based AJCs and community-based AJCs and service providers, the benefits and drawbacks of those models, and strategies used to help establish continuity of services after release.

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