An Institutional Analysis of American Job Centers: Key Institutional Features of American Job Centers
Associated Project
To systematically document key characteristics and features of American Job Centers (AJCs), Mathematica and its partners—Social Policy Research Associates, The George Washington University, and Capital Research Corporation—conducted the Institutional Analysis of AJCs for the U.S. Department of Labor. This paper presents an overview of key institutional features of the American Job Center (AJC) service delivery system across the country that shape day-to-day operations and customer experiences. To do this, authors identify common patterns and variations in (1) administrative One-Stop Operator structure and AJC management, (2) AJC partner programs and staffing, (3) funding and resource sharing, (4) data systems and sharing, and (5) AJC services. Given the long standing goal to align the workforce system and the increased emphasis under the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to promote collaboration and seamless service delivery, this brief focuses on ways in which collaboration and coordination occurs, and challenges. It concludes with implications for WIOA implementation.
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