An Exploration of Online Professional Development Systems Supporting the Competencies of Infant and Toddler Teachers and Caregivers

An Exploration of Online Professional Development Systems Supporting the Competencies of Infant and Toddler Teachers and Caregivers

Key Findings and Next Steps for Learning, OPRE Report # 2022-263
Published: Nov 30, 2022
Publisher: Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Associated Project

Infant and Toddler Teacher and Caregiver Competencies (ITTCC)

Time frame: 2017-2023

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation




Tutrang Nguyen

Key Findings

  • In what way(s) are the selected PD systems specific to teachers and caregivers of infants and toddlers? All five systems have a selection of courses for teachers and caregivers of various age groups, including infants and toddlers. One of the systems was designed specifically for teachers and caregivers of infants and toddlers.
  • What competency frameworks and/or observational measures of competencies are the PD systems aligned with or informed by, and in what way(s)? By design, all five systems in the exploration are aligned with at least one competency framework or observational measure of competencies relevant to teachers and caregivers of infants and toddlers. Of the five systems, three are aligned with or are informed by at least two frameworks and/or observational competency measures.
  • How do the PD systems support and assess competencies? All five PD systems complement their courses with other resources to support infant and toddler teachers’ and caregivers’ competencies. All five systems describe their courses or modules as self-paced. They also all assess competencies, but in different ways. Three of the five systems also recommend self-reflection activities that focus on how teachers and caregivers can implement what they have learned with their own classroom practice.
  • Do the PD systems include components specific to teachers and caregivers from FCC settings? Three of the five systems are designed to include or offer specific courses for teachers and caregivers in FCC settings.
  • Is there an evidence base for these PD systems? Three of the five systems have or are building an evidence base.

This brief and the accompanying appendix with profiles of five systems is designed to give the CCEE field a snapshot of how select virtual, competency-based PD systems are implemented; how teacher and caregiver knowledge, skills, and attributes are assessed in these systems; and whether the systems have or are building an evidence base. The brief also aims to identify areas of future learning that can help develop and refine evidence- and competency-based virtual PD for teachers and caregivers of infants and toddlers.

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