An Evaluation of the Individual Training Account/Eligible Training Provider Demonstration

An Evaluation of the Individual Training Account/Eligible Training Provider Demonstration

Published: May 30, 2005
Publisher: Oakland, CA: Social Policy Research Associates


Associated Project

Individual Training Accounts: Testing Models of Paying for Job Training

Time frame: 1999-2011

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration


Ron D'Amico

Jeffrey Salzman under the direction of Paul Decker

The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 requires that, with certain exceptions, training services funded by the U.S. Department of Labor be delivered through the use of Individual Training Accounts, which participants can use to procure the training of their choice, so long as the program is on a state's list of eligible providers. In March 2000, 13 states and local areas received grants to support system development and encourage innovative approaches and practices. This report presents findings from the evaluation of these efforts, describing grantees' accomplishments, policies and practices they formulated, the process for selecting providers, and information available to customers to make training choices.

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