Advanced Analytics (About Us)

Advanced Analytics (About Us)

Published: Apr 30, 2017
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research



Mathematica Policy Reseaerch

Mathematica Policy Research offers a full suite of advanced analytics services that maximize the power of data and provide the best solutions to today’s most pressing program and policy issues. Backed by decades of experience in rigorous research and data collection, we bring together state-of-the-art data science methodologies with program and policy expertise to meet the operational and strategic goals of our clients.

Our data analytics services provide clients with high quality, actionable information to support effective decision making. We can leverage advanced analytics to address a wide range of organizational goals, including identifying program and policy issues, predicting impacts, managing costs, visualizing results on dashboards and web applications, detecting improper payments, supporting operational decision making, and maintaining program integrity.

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