Addressing Trauma in American Indian and Alaska Native Youth

Addressing Trauma in American Indian and Alaska Native Youth

Published: Aug 24, 2016
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research



Michael Cavanaugh

Key Findings

The literature suggested several recommendations for advancing the evidence base in trauma-informed care for AI/AN youth:

  • Encourage development of community-based practices with evaluation components.
  • Conduct additional research on trauma among AI/AN youth.
  • Provide mental health treatment in integrated and school-based settings.
  • Promote use of Native healers.
  • Address current life factors that contribute to stress and vulnerability.

Despite the high prevalence of trauma among AI/AN youth, little is known about interventions targeted specifically for this population. To address this information gap, Mathematica conducted an environmental scan of practices and programs for addressing trauma and related behavioral health needs in AI/AN youth.

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