Access to Care and Satisfaction Among Health Center Patients With Chronic Conditions

Access to Care and Satisfaction Among Health Center Patients With Chronic Conditions

Published: Jan 02, 2017
Publisher: The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, vol. 40, issue 1



Leiyu Shi

De-Chih Lee

Geraldine Pierre Haile

Hailun Liang

Michelle Chung

Alek Sripipatana

This study examined access to care and satisfaction among health center patients with chronic conditions. Data for this study were obtained from the 2009 Health Center Patient Survey. Dependent variables of interest included 5 measures of access to and satisfaction with care, whereas the main independent variable was number of chronic conditions. Results of bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regressions showed that patients with chronic conditions had significantly higher odds of reporting access barriers than those without chronic conditions. Our results suggested that additional efforts and resources are necessary to address the needs of health center patients with chronic conditions.

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