2016-2018 Oakland Unite Agency Report

2016-2018 Oakland Unite Agency Report

Published: Apr 12, 2019
Publisher: Oakland, CA: Mathematica


Associated Project

Mobilizing Communities to Prevent Violence: Evaluation of Oakland Unite

Time frame: 2016-2020

Prepared for:

City of Oakland


Esa Eslami

Johanna Lacoe

Sarah Crissey

Charles Tilley

Natalie Larkin

This 2016–2018 agency report describes the agencies that make up the Oakland Unite network, summarizing information about the participants they serve, how they serve them, and the successes and challenges they face. This report does not examine participant outcomes, which are the focus of other reports. The agency report is based on analyses of administrative data, participant surveys, and document reviews. The introduction characterizes high-level trends across the Oakland Unite agencies, and subsequent chapters provide details for each specific agency.

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