
The Impact of Providing Technical Assistance on City Climate Action in the Global South


Project Overview


Mathematica monitored and evaluated the impact of a technical assistance (TA) program implemented by C40 (a network of climate policy-focused cities) to support the completion of greenhouse gas emission inventories across 30 Global South cities.

Project Motivation

Cities are unlikely to pursue aggressive emission reduction actions in the absence of high-quality data on their greenhouse gas emission sources. The TA program will contribute to the evidence base connecting city-level GHG inventories and climate policy.

Partners in Progress

  • C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
  • CDP

Prepared For

Children's Investment Fund Foundation

Cities are responsible for the majority of global, energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; yet, they often the lack the evidence base to guide strategic climate action. 

CIFF financed the expansion of the TA program to 30 C40 member cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to support cities in reporting Global Protocol for Community-Scale (GPC) compliant inventories. The GPC reporting framework standardizes climate reporting methodologies, allowing for better tracking of emissions over time and across cities, which could serve as a foundation on which to base climate actions and emission reduction targets, and ultimately mitigate emissions. 

We leveraged our expertise in quantitative research to track emission inventory reporting over time, assess the impact of CIFF’s  TA investment, and contextualize the impacts of the TA within CIFF’s larger strategy to mitigate climate change. We supported CIFF --  from the design stage to the final evaluation -- in translating evidence into insight and offering action-based recommendations to strengthen city-level climate reporting.

Related Staff

Anthony D'Agostino

Anthony D'Agostino

Senior Researcher

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