Project Overview


To determine if the CCBHC demonstration improves access to, and the quality and outcomes of, ambulatory mental health and substance use services.

Project Motivation

To identify factors that facilitate or impede the success of the CCBHC model and assess if the model has an impact on the utilization and costs of services.

Partners in Progress

RAND Corporation

Prepared For

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) demonstration is a major change in the way that community behavioral health organizations provide services and receive reimbursement from Medicaid.

Community behavioral health organizations that became CCBHCs provide a comprehensive range of ambulatory mental health and substance use services, as well as primary care screening and monitoring. Medicaid pays a fixed daily or monthly payment to each CCBHC, and states have the option to provide CCBHCs with bonus payment tied to performance on quality measures. The demonstration seeks to test whether providing an enhanced payment rate to CCBHCs that provide a broad array of services improves access to, and the quality and outcomes of care. Mathematica and the RAND Corporation are conducting a mixed-methods evaluation to examine the implementation and outcomes of the demonstration across states. The evaluation includes analysis of Medicaid claims data, CCBHC quality measure and cost reports, surveys of CCBHCs, CCBHC client focus groups, and interviews with state- and CCBHC-level stakeholders.

Related Staff

Allison Wishon

Allison Wishon

Senior Researcher

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Jonathan Brown

Jonathan Brown

Senior Director

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Crystal  Blyler

Crystal Blyler

Principal Researcher

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