
C40’s City-Level Climate Action Plans and Thematic Networks


Project Overview


To assess the quality, completeness, and feasibility of net-zero climate action plans (CAPs) produced by C40 member cities with C40 support.

Project Motivation

While global cities are at the forefront of tackling climate change, the feasibility of their long-term strategies to reduce emissions and adapt to new risks has been unclear. This project sought to analyze how assistance from C40 is helping its member cities implement their latest generation of climate action plans.

Partners in Progress


Prepared For

Children's Investment Fund Foundation

Spurred by urgency and the slow response of federal governments, cities have become outspoken actors by setting ambitious emission reduction targets themselves.
The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), one of C40’s strategic funders, commissioned Mathematica to conduct an independent evaluation of two major components of C40’s direct support: the development and execution of city-level climate action plans (CAPs) that comply with the 1.5°C target enshrined in the Paris Agreement, and the thematic networks through which cities engage in peer-to-peer exchange and collaborative learning across a range of climate policy domains.
Project Insight

Nearly all of the reviewed CAPs apply an equity lens to climate action planning, and consider the social, environmental, health, and economic benefits of climate action on vulnerable populations.

- Anthony D'Agostino, Mathematica Researcher

Related Staff

Anthony D'Agostino

Anthony D'Agostino

Senior Researcher

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