The Impacts of Regular Upward Bound: Results from the Third Follow-Up Data Collection

The Impacts of Regular Upward Bound: Results from the Third Follow-Up Data Collection

Published: Apr 01, 2004
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

National Evaluation of Upward Bound

Time frame: 1991-2007

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Education


David Myers

Robert B. Olsen

Neil Seftor

Julie Young

Christina Clark Tuttle

Upward Bound is one of the largest and longest running federal programs designed to help economically disadvantaged students go to college. This report from Mathematica's national evaluation finds that Upward Bound increased the number of high school math credits that participants earned but did not affect other measures of academic preparation in high school. The program also increased enrollment at four-year colleges and universities, especially for students with lower educational expectations when they entered the program. However, the program had no effect on postsecondary enrollment more generally when enrollment at two-year colleges and vocational institutions was included.

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