Mathematica @ CIES 2023

Mathematica @ CIES 2023

Your Partners in Advancing Global Education
Feb 16, 2023
Students in school

Mathematica works with our partners to shape an equitable and just world where evidence drives decisions for global impact. Our experts dive into the most pressing issues facing the education sector, including responding to the global learning crisis that has been exacerbated by COVID-19.

Hear from Mathematica’s experts at one of these CIES sessions or visit us at Table 02 in the Constitution Ballroom during the conference to learn more about our range of monitoring, evaluation, and learning offerings and our deep education expertise to inform decision making and maximize impact.

Monday, February 20

Evaluations, Impacts, and Challenges Across the Globe
Time: 2:45–4:15 p.m.
Location: Constitution Level (3B), Roosevelt
Participant: Larissa Campuzano

Tuesday, February 21

Spurring Systems Change to Improve Equity in Education: Measuring the Change Process
Time: 9:30–11:00 a.m.
Location: Constitution Level (3B), Renwick
Participants: Ivonne Padilla, Laura Meyer, and Audrey-Marie Moore
Featured Project: Guatemala: Improving Secondary Education and Youth Workforce Development

Improving Teacher, Improving Teaching: Lessons from Practice
Time: 9:30–11:00 a.m.
Location: Independence Level (5B), Independence D
Participant: Matt Sloan
Featured Project: Georgia: Impact Evaluation of the General Education Project

Girls’ Education: Gender Gaps in Education Access and Opportunities in Africa
Time: 2:45–4:15 p.m.
Location: Declaration Level (1B), Douglass
Participant: Matt Sloan
Featured Projects:

Wednesday, February 22

Global Evidence to Local Action in Central America: Understanding, Localizing, and Using Evidence on Education’s Role in Preventing Violence
Time: 9:45–11:15 a.m.
Location: Declaration Level (1B), Declaration B
Participant: Emilie Bagby
Featured Project: Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) Reading and Education Evaluation Services

Global Evidence to Local Action in Central America: Spotlight on Guatemala
Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m.
Location: Independence Level (5B), Independence C
Participants: Sarah Liuzzi and Emilie Bagby
Featured Project: Guatemala: Improving Secondary Education and Youth Workforce Development