Pathways Clearinghouse: Snapshots of Three Approaches to Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Low Incomes

Oct 13, 2022 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Pathways to Work Clearinghouse

Presentation Materials:

Presentation Slides

Join us for an interactive webinar to explore and discuss the Evidence Snapshots created by the Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse.

The Pathways Clearinghouse Evidence Snapshots help you understand what works among interventions with a common approach to service provision. To date, we have developed three Evidence Snapshots on employment coaching, financial incentives, and subsidized employment and transitional jobs to provide practitioners, policymakers, and researchers with an understanding of the evidence behind specific types of employment-focused interventions.

During the webinar, we will have an interactive discussion to explore the following questions:

We will dedicate a separate interactive breakout session to each of the three snapshots during the webinar, to enable you to focus on the types of services you are most interested in.

This panel includes: