COVID-19 Wastewater Dashboard

COVID-19 Wastewater Dashboard

Jul 19, 2021

Compare viral concentration with multiple actions and outcomes.

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This dashboard shows SARS-CoV-2 viral concentrations in wastewater samples alongside county-level data on COVID-19 case counts, test positivity rates, population vulnerability measures, and programs, policies, or community actions that might impact COVID-19 transmission. By synthesizing and overlaying trends in wastewater data with trends in confirmed cases and proxies, the dashboard helps public health officials conduct cross-county comparisons to assess regional risk of COVID-19 transmission and facilitates pandemic management. The wastewater data come from Mathematica's COVID-WARRN project in rural North Carolina. For the other public health measures displayed, the dashboard uses a series of application programming interface calls to state- and county-level data to facilitate rapid data refreshing, reporting, and adaption to other states. As we discuss in our paper entitled "Developing a Flexible National Wastewater Surveillance System for COVID-19 and Beyond", dynamic tools like the COVID-19 Wastewater Dashboard are needed to transform wastewater testing from an academic exercise into a tool for epidemic response.