Evidence Translation, Dissemination, and Use

We enable the active use of evidence and insights to improve policies and programs—leading to greater impact.

Our collaborative learning approach strengthens the evidence capacity of our clients and partners to ensure that analytic products and insights result in impactful outcomes and long-term change. Through a wide range of learning and dissemination activities, we share our results with clients, governments, partners, and the broader community of practitioners and experts. We also promote a culture of evidence use even beyond our direct engagement. We disseminate insights through:

  • Facilitated learning and sensemaking
  • Learning briefs
  • Data visualization
  • Multi-media content
  • Social media support
  • Peer-reviewed publications


Featured Project: Learning about Learning with USAID

Mathematica Global led the Reading and Education Evaluation Services project under USAID’s Latin America and the Caribbean Reads (LAC Reads) initiative from 2012 to 2021. This project focused on increasing the availability of and capacity to use evidence-based, cost-effective practices that improve early literacy, education, and youth workforce development in the region.

Learning Priority

The LAC Reading and Education Evaluation Services project included eight evaluations across five countries, covering a range of in-school and community-level approaches to improve early grade reading and other education outcomes. Mathematica also conducted an evidence review on the effect of education programs have on violence and crimes.

Dissemination Approach

In addition to the research and evaluation work, Mathematica carried out activities designed to increase the use of evidence and insights when designing future education programs and evaluations. A selection of short briefs and white papers succinctly captured key findings, along with recommendations for designing, facilitating, and using research and evaluation to improve education programs. For example, Facilitating Impact Evaluations: Recommendations from the LAC Reads Evaluations summarizes five considerations for conducting a successful evaluation.

Mathematica worked with in-country researchers throughout the evaluation process, and engaged with policymakers, educators, and communities to share new and consolidated evidence. Workshops were held with in-country stakeholders and within USAID to further reinforce learnings, and public webinars were used to share results from across the LAC Reads Evaluations.


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